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CO.ZA Domain name PUSH

CO.ZA Domain name PUSH

We are pleased to announce that we have deployed a COZA Domain name PUSH feature which allows resellers within the same Registrar to PUSH CO.ZA domain names from one Reseller account to another.

To make use of the CO.ZA Domain name PUSH feature, log in to the ZA Domains White Label Domain Management Control Panel and browse to your list of domain names. Select one of the CO.ZA Domain names and use the functions option located to the right of the grid, click the Push Domain option. On the modal pop up, provide the gaining reseller account number to initiate the CO.ZA Domain name Push.

After initiating a CO.ZA Domain name PUSH to another reseller account, the gaining reseller is notified of the pending CO.ZA push and will need to accept the push within a 24 hour period.

The CO.ZA Domain name push feature provides our Domain Resellers to participate within the Domain Name Escrow market and add further value to their existing businesses.

Support for additional sld’s will be added to the control panel over the next few weeks.