WHMCS Whois – Service unavailable – please try again later

By May 27, 2016Home
ZACR WHOIS Server Notice

ZACR WHOIS Server Notice

Domain registrars and Domain Resellers who use WHMCS to manage and register Co.Za Domains may receive the error “Service unavailable – please try again later” when attempting to perform a whois lookup / domain name availability lookup via WHMCS.

The source relates to issues with the WHOIS server which is maintained by ZA Central Registry (ZACR). ZACR published a notice regarding a change to their WHOIS server effective on the 2nd May 2016.

All clients using the whois service will need to perform whois queries using the new whois server coza-whois.registry.net.za.

Follow the instructions below to update the WHMCS WHOIS server

  1. Connect via ftp and browse to your whmcs installation
  2. Locate and open the file /includes/whoisservers.php
  3. Find .co.za|whois.registry.net.za|Available
  4. Replace with .co.za|coza-whois.registry.net.za|Available
  5. Save the file changes