How to – Domain Registrar and Domain Reseller FAQ

What is EPP?

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) is a flexible protocol used for management of domain related objects used by most Registries around the world. Domain Registrars use EPP to communicate with Registries to perform all domain related commands and functions.

These EPP commands include registration of domain names, transfer of domain names from one registrar to another, registrant creation and update of registrant information, domain name renewals, domain name server (DNS) allocation and more.

What is the Uniforum Legacy System?

The Uniforum Legacy system is a propriety domain provisioning system developed by Uniforum SA. The Uniforum Legacy System facilitated domain management by accepting commands sent via e-mail to [email protected] in plain text.

The Uniforum Legacy system was replaced by the ZA Central Registry (ZACR) EPP system. Uniforum SA announced its development of the new CO.ZA EPP System in July 2010.

Implementation of the new CO.ZA EPP System started in June 2011, which included changes to the international format used for telephone numbers on the Uniforum Legacy System.

The Uniforum Legacy system is still in use, however, the majority of domain names originally provisioned by the Legacy system have been migrated over to the CO.ZA EPP System.

Who is Uniforum?

Uniforum SA was founded in 1980 and began administration of CO.ZA domain names / CO.ZA Zone Files in 1995.

Uniforum SA still performs its functions as the CO.ZA Administrator but operates under the entity as a Registrar.

How do I contact Uniforum SA?

Uniforum SA is situated at COZA House, Gazelle Close Corporate Park, Midrand, South Africa

Uniforum SA Contact Telephone Number +27 11 314 0077

Uniforum SA Toll Free 080 314 0077

Uniforum SA Fax Number : +27 11 314 0088

Uniforum SA Toll Free Fax : 080 314 0088

What is a .ZACR Registrar?

A ZACR Registrar is a company / legal entity which has completed a Registrar Application with ZACR, which grants them rights to manage .ZA Domain names on behalf of their clients within the EPP System.

ZACR Accredited Registrars are required to complete a technical accreditation upon application of their Registrar Account as part the initial application process.

ZACR Registrars are contractually bound to a Registrar Agreement between the .ZA Registrar and ZACR.

ZACR Registrars are responsible for providing the systems required to interface between the Registrant and the Registry.

Why should I become a ZACR Registrar?

ZACR Registrars are able to interface with ZACR’s EPP System and manage domain names.

ZACR Registrars benefit from the EPP by enjoying real time domain name management versus management via the Uniforum Legacy system which enforced mandatory delays on domain name updates via the Legacy system.

How do I become a ZACR Registrar

The Accreditation process required to become a .ZA Registrar is a simple process which requires that the applicant submit their application to ZA Central Registry via Registrar Registration Page.

During the application process the applicant will need to provide ZACR with supporting legal documents to confirm its existence and pay a once of non-refundable / non-transferrable deposit of R5000.00

Upon acceptance of the applicants request, ZACR will require that the applicant complete a Technical Accreditation in order to confirm and prove that it is proficient with ZACR’s EPP system.

Upon completion of the applicants technical accreditation the ZACR Legal Department review the application and supporting document and if successful, Registrar status is awarded to the applicant subject to acceptance of the ZA Central Registry Registrar Agreement.

How to complete the ZACR Registrar Technical Accreditation

ZA Domains provides an automated process of completing the ZACR Registrar Technical Accreditation.

The Technical Accreditation service is available exclusively to ZA Domains clients at no cost or setup fee and typically takes around 2 – 4 hours to complete.

A nominal fee is charged in the event that you are not a ZA Domains Client and require assistance with your ZACR Technical Accreditation.

What is the White Label EPP Domain Management Control Panel?

ZA Domains has developed a multi Registrar EPP Domain Management System which provides Accredited Registrars a scalable enterprise web based domain management interface.

The White Label EPP Domain Management Control Panel supports multiple registrars and includes support for resellers and sub resellers under a Registrar’s Account.

Do you have a CO.ZA API System?

ZA Domains provides a comprehensive API system which provides .ZA Registrars and Resellers the facility to manage CO.ZA Domain Names via any third party application or script.

Do you offer a WHMCS CO.ZA EPP Module?

ZA Domains provides a free Uniforum CO.ZA, WEB.ZA ORG.ZA & NET.ZA EPP Domain Module to all of its clients.

The WHMCS CO.ZA EPP Module is available for download via the White Label Domain Management Control Panel or via the official Uniforum CO.ZA, WEB.ZA ORG.ZA & NET.ZA EPP Domain Module page on WHMCS.COM

Do you offer a free CO.ZA EPP Registrar Service?

ZA Domains believes in helping smaller Registrars expand their CO.ZA Domain Name businesses.

Therefore, ZA Domains does not charge any monthly fees for use of its service to CO.ZA Registrars who have less than 50 Domain Names on the EPP System.

How much do you charge .ZA Registrars to use your White Label Domain Management Control Panel and CO.ZA EPP Services?

At the time of publishing this article the monthly cost of using the ZA Domains White Label Domain Management Control Panel is R0.50c per domain per month.

The Registrar Pricing is available via our ZA Domains Pricing Page

Can I move my CO.ZA EPP Registrar Services from another EPP Service provider over to ZA Domains?

Absolutely, and despite what some providers may suggest to clients attempting to move, you won’t loose your Registrar status nor be required to complete your Accreditation again.

How long does it take to move my COZA EPP Registrar Services from another EPP Service Provider to ZA Domains?

Moving your EPP Services from another CO.ZA EPP Service Provider takes roughly 30 minutes to complete.

We have developed an automated CO.ZA EPP Registrar Migration tool which seamlessly imports all of your existing EPP Domain Names, DNS Servers and Registrant Information from ZACR’s EPP System into our Control Panel.

Changing your CO.ZA EPP Service Provider has never been simpler.

Will I loose my Registrar Status if I move my Registrar account from another EPP Domains Service Provider?

Most certainly not. Only ZACR has the power to revoke or cancel a Registrars status – changing EPP Service Providers has no affect on your Registrar Status.

Can a CO.ZA Domain name be moved from the Uniforum Legacy System to the CO.ZA EPP System or CO.ZA EPP System to Uniforum Legacy System

Legacy Domain names can be moved or transferred to the CO.ZA EPP System, how ever once a CO.ZA Domain exists within the EPP System it cannot be moved back to Legacy.

There is no official reason for this, how ever it is safe to assume that ZACR prevents this to encourage Domain Resellers and Registrars to utilize the CO.ZA EPP system and hopefully soon decommission the Legacy System.

What details are displayed on the CO.ZA WHOIS for domain names that I have registered on your White Label EPP Domain Management Control Panel?

CO.ZA Domains registered by a CO.ZA Registrar using the ZA Domains White Label EPP Domain Management Control Panel will show the Registrar’s name listed on the Uniforum Whois under the field 1c. Registrar

The registrant information displayed on the CO.ZA Whois is determined by the Registrar at the time of domain registration or transfer.
CO.ZA Domains Registered by a ZA Domains Reseller using the ZA Domains White Label EPP Domain Management Control Panel will show ZA Domains as the Registrar the Uniforum Whois under the field 1c. Registrar
The registrant information displayed on the CO.ZA Whois is determined by the ZA Domains Reseller at the time of domain registration or transfer.

Do you offer a Free DNS Service?

All ZA Domains clients have access to our My DNS Cloud name servers. The My DNS Cloud DNS Servers are strategically located within separate data centers to provide 100% redundancy and fail over.
The My DNS Cloud service is integrated into our White Label EPP Domain Management Control Panel to provide you a single point of domain management.